Category: photography

  • Long form content is dead… well at least for instagram. 

    Long form content is dead… well at least for instagram. 

    In a surprising shift, Instagram’s CEO announced that the platform will no longer prioritize long-form content, emphasizing the need for creators to adapt their strategies. To thrive on Instagram, focus on producing visually appealing short-form content, stay updated with trends, and leverage features like Stories and Reels. High-quality visuals and consistent engagement are crucial. For…

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  • Six-Month Check-In: A Call to Creators

    Six-Month Check-In: A Call to Creators

    Hello, Creators! We’re at the midpoint of the year, it’s time for a check-in. Whether you’re a photographer, cinematographer, designer, graphic designer, podcaster, artist, painter, musician, or any other kind of creative, this is a moment to reflect on your journey, celebrate your progress, and recalibrate for the next six months. Reflect and Rejoice First,…

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  • Light Meter, What’s That?

    Light Meter, What’s That?

    A light meter is like a magical tool for photographers and filmmakers. It helps you find the perfect amount of light for your pictures and videos. Think of it as your secret ingredient for creating stunning visuals. It’s your trusty sidekick, making your shots look their very best. So, if you love taking pictures or…

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  • Color Checker, Gray Card, What’s That? 

    Color Checker, Gray Card, What’s That? 

    In the world of photography and film, two unassuming yet vital tools, the Color Checker and Gray Card, quietly work their magic behind the scenes. The Color Checker ensures true-to-life colors, even in challenging lighting conditions, while the Gray Card guarantees perfect exposure and white balance. Let’s unravel the mysteries of these tiny titans that…

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  • 5 Reasons You Should Join The Social Tour

    5 Reasons You Should Join The Social Tour

    Unlocking Your Creative Journey with The Social Tour In a digital world bursting with content, standing out and making meaningful connections is crucial. The Social Tour is not your typical service provider; we’re your partner in content creation and networking. From photography to social media development, we offer diverse services to cater to your unique…

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  • Looking to find other content creators to create with when you’re traveling?

    Looking to find other content creators to create with when you’re traveling?

    Visiting a new state can be an exciting and inspiring experience, but it can also be intimidating when it comes to finding content creators to work with. Whether you’re a blogger, vlogger, or artist, it can be tough to find like-minded individuals in an unfamiliar place. However, with a little bit of effort, you can…

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  • What’s the budget?

    What’s the budget?

    Having a marketing budget is crucial for any business, large or small. A well-planned marketing budget allows you to allocate your resources effectively and measure the success of your marketing campaigns. Without a budget, you may end up overspending or not spending enough on marketing efforts, both of which can negatively impact your business. A…

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