I’ve Cracked The Code, Well I Think

It’s 7:11 PM on 7/12/24, and for a hot second, I got excited thinking it was the ultimate 7/11. But hey, it’s not too shabby anyway because I think I’ve cracked the code—or should I say, the “algorithm”—on Instagram. Funny enough, everyone blames it on AI, but honestly, we’re all relying on it way too much. So, how did we end up here?

If you know anything about me, you know I’m a data nerd. I can turn almost anything into data because, to me, it’s fascinating. With this superpower, I can spot patterns in just about anything and apply this skill to various aspects of my life. “Man, one day I’ll get straight to the point,” I tell myself.

Since it’s part of my job to dive into this kind of research, I also do it for fun because, well, why not? Social media has been a bit wonky lately, especially Instagram. It’s not what it used to be, and I think we all know that. The reach limitations are likely a result of its shift towards a more business-centric model. Creators are now making a living from their platforms, which is great, but it’s like their own creation has become so powerful that it starts to cannibalize itself. Sounds familiar, right?

Alright, back on track. In a nutshell (yes, there’s always a nutshell with me), I believe the limitations we see aren’t just from the algorithm itself but from a flawed, closed system of algorithms.

What do I mean by that? It’s like double-speak—someone correct me if I’m wrong. For instance, Instagram’s CEO has said they want to show you things you like and engage with. But in reality, it shows you what you tap on. Stay with me here. Go to your Explore page, tap a random video, and start scrolling. Take note of what you see most out of five to ten swipes. Then, go back, pick another random video—maybe one the opposite of what you’d usually pick—and do the same thing. You should start to notice a pattern.

Okay Brandon, what’s your point, and what does this mean?

Glad you asked, Justin! When I discover something like this, I like to find a practical use for it. Since this revelation is fresh as I write this, my first idea is to create content for your business that stays on brand within these different ecosystems. It could potentially extend your reach and, let’s be real, it could be a blast 😅, This is definitely something I’ll be taking some sort of aim at.

I’d love to hear your comments on this and hopefully have a discussion below. I feel like I’ve just discovered America, like Christopher 🤣.

I wrapped this up at 7:31 PM. I’m getting better at this each time, especially from thought, write, create, upload. Practice really does make improvement. Gonna whip up a quick thumbnail in Canva and see what time this blog goes up.

Hope this helps!

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