Keep the Idea of Who You Are Alive: Embracing ADHD and Authenticity

In a world where external opinions often collide with our self-perception, it’s crucial to keep the idea of who you are alive. This thought emerged during a self-reflection session, sparking a deeper understanding of how judgment operates.

One of the significant challenges is allowing others’ opinions to conflict with our self-view. Phrases like, “I thought you were nice,” “You used to be like this,” or the ever-common, “If I were you, I would…” can undermine our confidence. These sentiments often come from people we know well, making their impact even more profound.

Initially, I planned to discuss this on my podcast. However, I’ve realized that my podcast episodes flow better when they are organic, unscripted, and natural. Scripted content tends to make me stutter, lose my train of thought, and feel less authentic. 

Instead, jotting down keywords or subjects from my reflections helps me stay on track.

As I grow older, I’ve noticed my ADHD symptoms becoming more prominent—or perhaps I’m just more aware of them. This awareness sometimes scares me, leading to a cycle of overthinking. Recognizing these patterns is crucial, as overthinking can be a significant challenge for those with ADHD.

Now, let’s dive into the core of this blog post: ADHD is real. It’s not a phase, a trend, or a conversational piece. It took me up until 5-6 years ago to openly discuss my ADHD. Despite always claiming not to care about others’ opinions, I realized this was one area where I did.

For those with ADHD, it’s essential to learn about your traits and how to manage them effectively. Understand that ADHD can be a superpower. Surround yourself with people who understand and support you. If someone doesn’t get it, adjust your interactions accordingly.

For those without ADHD, don’t rush to learn about it just to help your friend or loved one. Although there are common traits, each person’s experience is unique. 

Misunderstandings can be triggering. Instead, talk to your friend or loved one about their specific experiences and strive to understand them.

Writing this blog post was an unexpected journey. Now, I’ll transfer this text from my phone to my computer, proofread, reformat, make a thumbnail, and post it across various platforms. It’s a lot of work, but it’s worth it.

So now that we’re here, I’ll leave you with a few tips that’s help me so far to help me feel better about my advantage/disadvantage of a superpower 😅

1. Break Tasks into Smaller Steps

Breaking tasks into smaller, manageable steps is a powerful strategy for tackling overwhelming projects. Large tasks can feel daunting and lead to procrastination, especially for individuals with ADHD. By dividing a task into smaller parts, you create a series of achievable goals. For example, instead of writing an entire report in one sitting, break it down into steps like researching, outlining, writing the introduction, and so on. 

Each completed step provides a sense of accomplishment and progress, and that’s the dopamine we constantly need for making the overall task feel less intimidating.


  • Task: Write a 10-page report
    • Step 1: Research the topic for one hour
    • Step 2: Create an outline
    • Step 3: Write the introduction
    • Step 4: Write the first section
    • Step 5: Take a break
    • Step 6: Continue with the next section

I utilize this system throughout my day mostly in the line of cinema, preparing for something, actually I use this with system everything because it works so well. 

2. Use Reminders and Alarms

Reminders and alarms are essential tools for keeping track of time and deadlines. People with ADHD often struggle with time management and forgetfulness. Setting reminders for appointments, tasks, and deadlines can help ensure nothing is overlooked. Alarms can also be set for regular intervals to check progress on tasks or to signal when it’s time to take a break.


  • Use a calendar app to set reminders for meetings and deadlines.
  • Set an alarm to go off every hour to remind you to check your progress.
  • Use a timer to allocate specific times for tasks, like 30 minutes for reading emails.

Something you already know but let’s face it we all struggle with this from time to time. For me I don’t like the external noise ringing from a phone or anything in that matter. 

3. Create a Routine

Creating a daily routine can provide a sense of control and predictability, which is particularly beneficial for those with ADHD. A consistent schedule helps establish a rhythm, reducing the mental load of deciding what to do next. Routines can include set times for waking up, working, taking breaks, taking a walk, and winding down before bed.


  • Morning: Wake up at 7:00 AM, have breakfast, and journal .
  • Work Hours: Start work at 9:00 AM, take a break at 2:00 .PM, lunch at 2:00 PM.
  • Evening: Finish work at 7:00 PM, dinner at 7:30 PM, relax, family time, pursue hobbies, free to do whatever.
  • Night: Wind down at 10:00 PM, read or meditate, sleep by 10:30 PM.

4. Stay Organized

Staying organized is crucial for managing ADHD. Planners, apps, or journals can help keep track of tasks, appointments, and goals. Having a clear visual representation of what needs to be done can reduce anxiety and improve focus. Regularly updating and reviewing these tools can ensure you stay on top of your responsibilities.


  • Use a digital planner app to schedule tasks and set reminders.
  • Keep a journal to jot down ideas, to-dos, and reflections.
  • Create a to-do list at the beginning of each day and prioritize tasks.

5. Take Breaks

Regular breaks are essential for maintaining focus and preventing burnout. The Pomodoro Technique, which involves working for 25 minutes and then taking a 5-minute break, is an effective method for many people with ADHD. Breaks allow your mind to rest and recharge, improving overall productivity and concentration when you return to your tasks; I’m a pro at this.


  • Work for 25 minutes, then take a 5-minute break. Repeat this cycle four times, then take a longer break of 15-30 minutes.
  • Use breaks to stretch, walk around, or practice deep breathing exercises.
  • Avoid screen time during breaks to give your eyes and mind a rest.

Hope this helps 🫱🏽‍🫲🏼

One response to “Keep the Idea of Who You Are Alive: Embracing ADHD and Authenticity”

  1. Shartia Duncan Avatar
    Shartia Duncan

    Damn , this was and still & will be useful for me and I didn’t notice a lot of things about my self and aspects of my life until I read this. Thank you for the eye opener

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