When someone enters your life, whether it’s for a fleeting moment or a lifetime, they are there to teach you something.

Every encounter, no matter how brief or enduring, carries a lesson. So when it’s time for them to go, allow it. I know that’s easier said than done. I’ve held onto people longer than I should have, fully aware of the consequences they brought into my life. We’re human; we cling to familiarity, even when it’s not good for us. But once we’ve been through those experiences, we gain valuable references from our own lives to help guide us through the next chapter. If we haven’t gone through this yet, are currently in the midst of it, or have emerged on the other side, there’s no reason not to learn and apply these lessons.

ADHD Break: I’ve noticed that many of my blog posts start with in-the-moment thoughts. Right now, I’m sitting in my backyard, soaking in the sounds of nature. As my mind wandered, I started thinking about losing people I’ve loved. It sucks, but sometimes it’s necessary, whether by choice or consequence. I began reflecting on people from my past and present, asking myself what I’ve gained from them beyond their presence. The answer? Lessons, both good and bad. I once learned how to truly embrace someone from an old friend, though that relationship ended due to immaturity and poor decisions on my part. I’ve also learned things I would never do again. Everything in life depends on how you look at it, and before I knew it, I was typing this into my notes.

So, where were we? Oh yeah.

When someone comes into your life, whether it’s for a moment or a lifetime, they are there to teach you something. Right now, I’m learning a lot about myself through my interactions with Dela. We’ve been spending time together for the last five months, and one of the things I love most is how she stimulates my mind. One thing I don’t love—but have to—is how she speaks her mind so openly, and 9 times out of 10, at least in my experience, she’s right. It forces me to confront things I might not want to admit, but I know it’s not meant to make me feel bad. It’s meant to help me grow. The point is, I appreciate so much about Dela. If we were to stop speaking and spending time together today, for whatever reason, it would be hard, but it would be something we both would have to accept. But we would both walk away with memories, moments, and lessons that would stay with us long after.

As the saying goes, “Give people time; they’ll always show up later on.” We may not always recognize the lessons in the moment, but with time, their significance becomes clear. And that’s something worth holding onto.

Here are some tips I go by and have learned for Navigating Relationships and Learning from Others:

  1. Embrace the Impermanence: Understand that not everyone is meant to stay in your life forever. Appreciate the moments you share, but be ready to let go when the time comes.
  2. Reflect on the Lessons: After any relationship or interaction ends, take time to reflect on what you’ve learned. Whether it’s something positive or a lesson on what to avoid, there’s always something to gain.
  3. Be Open to Growth: Allow others to challenge your perspectives and push you out of your comfort zone. Growth often comes from discomfort.
  4. Practice Gratitude: Be grateful for the people who come into your life, even if their presence is temporary. Every person has a purpose, and acknowledging this can bring peace when it’s time to part ways.
  5. Let Go Gracefully: When a relationship ends, let it go with grace. Holding on to what no longer serves you can prevent you from moving forward.
  6. Cherish the Memories: While it’s important to let go, also take time to cherish the good memories. These moments contribute to who you are and can provide comfort in the future.
  7. Apply the Lessons: Use what you’ve learned in your future relationships and interactions. Growth is continuous, and applying past lessons can lead to healthier, more fulfilling connections.
  8. Trust the Process: Believe that every person who enters your life does so for a reason. Trust the process, even if it doesn’t make sense at the moment.
  9. Maintain Boundaries: While it’s important to learn from others, don’t forget to maintain your boundaries. Protect your energy and prioritize your well-being.
  10. Stay Present: Enjoy the people in your life in the present moment. Don’t focus too much on the future or the past. Being present allows you to fully experience and learn from each interaction.
Hope this helps, 

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