Category: music

  • If I Was A Rapper

    If I Was A Rapper

    If I were a rapper, singer, poet, musician, or any kind of musical entertainer (which I’m not), here’s what I’d do.

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  • Long form content is dead… well at least for instagram. 

    Long form content is dead… well at least for instagram. 

    In a surprising shift, Instagram’s CEO announced that the platform will no longer prioritize long-form content, emphasizing the need for creators to adapt their strategies. To thrive on Instagram, focus on producing visually appealing short-form content, stay updated with trends, and leverage features like Stories and Reels. High-quality visuals and consistent engagement are crucial. For…

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  • Six-Month Check-In: A Call to Creators

    Six-Month Check-In: A Call to Creators

    Hello, Creators! We’re at the midpoint of the year, it’s time for a check-in. Whether you’re a photographer, cinematographer, designer, graphic designer, podcaster, artist, painter, musician, or any other kind of creative, this is a moment to reflect on your journey, celebrate your progress, and recalibrate for the next six months. Reflect and Rejoice First,…

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  • Experience Pass The Aux – Public Listening Party 

    Experience Pass The Aux – Public Listening Party 

    Imagine this: it’s a Thursday evening, and you find yourself stepping into The Social Tour a cozy space in the heart of downtown. Eason buzzing with anticipation. The air is filled with the hum of conversation. As you settle in, you feel a sense of excitement building – tonight is Pass The Aux, and you’re…

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  • Creative Connect Management

    Creative Connect Management

    “Empowering Creatives to Thrive” In the ever-evolving landscape of the creative industry, artists, musicians, poets, and fashion designers often find themselves juggling their artistic passions with the complexities of managing their careers. The need for a guiding hand, a trusted partner, and a support system has never been more crucial. That’s where Creative Connect Management…

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  • Looking to find other content creators to create with when you’re traveling?

    Looking to find other content creators to create with when you’re traveling?

    Visiting a new state can be an exciting and inspiring experience, but it can also be intimidating when it comes to finding content creators to work with. Whether you’re a blogger, vlogger, or artist, it can be tough to find like-minded individuals in an unfamiliar place. However, with a little bit of effort, you can…

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  • What Does Your Playlist Say About You?

    What Does Your Playlist Say About You?

    Music has always been a powerful way for people to express themselves, and today’s technology makes it easier than ever to create and share playlists. But have you ever stopped to think about what your playlist says about you? Here are some things to consider: Overall, your playlist says a lot about who you are…

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