• NDA What’s That?

    NDA What’s That?

    Sitting on my brother’s sofa on my “day off,” I’m reminded of an essential lesson from the start of my journey, which I call “JUMP.” A Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) is a legal contract that protects the confidentiality of shared information. It’s crucial for safeguarding ideas and establishing trust in the creative industry. Understanding and using…

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  • I’ve Cracked The Code, Well I Think

    I’ve Cracked The Code, Well I Think

    It’s 7:11 PM on 7/12/24, and I think I’ve cracked the Instagram algorithm code. We blame AI, but we’re overly reliant on it. As a data nerd, I’ve spotted patterns showing that Instagram’s algorithm isn’t just about what you like but what you tap. My advice? “which I dont give often” Create on-brand content that…

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  • I’m an Advisor, Not a Consultant

    I’m an Advisor, Not a Consultant

    Stepping into my office, you’re likely to notice the subtly colorful, inviting atmosphere. Unlike consultants who offer quick fixes for specific challenges, my role as an advisor is to provide ongoing, strategic guidance tailored to your long-term success.

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  • If I Was A Rapper

    If I Was A Rapper

    If I were a rapper, singer, poet, musician, or any kind of musical entertainer (which I’m not), here’s what I’d do.

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  • Long form content is dead… well at least for instagram. 

    Long form content is dead… well at least for instagram. 

    In a surprising shift, Instagram’s CEO announced that the platform will no longer prioritize long-form content, emphasizing the need for creators to adapt their strategies. To thrive on Instagram, focus on producing visually appealing short-form content, stay updated with trends, and leverage features like Stories and Reels. High-quality visuals and consistent engagement are crucial. For…

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  • Balancing Dreams: Pursuing Passions While Embracing Responsibilities

    Balancing Dreams: Pursuing Passions While Embracing Responsibilities

    Today, a conversation opened my eyes to the transition from childhood dreams to adult aspirations. This realization prompted deep reflection on my goals and how they align with supporting and inspiring others. In this post, I share insights and tips on finding clarity and living intentionally as we navigate our unique journeys. Join me in…

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  • Teach people how to treat you

    Teach people how to treat you

    It’s a saying I heard when I was younger, and it never left my mind. The importance of teaching people how to treat you lies in establishing healthy boundaries and fostering mutual respect. As I continue to grow, I’ve learned that many people struggle to speak up for themselves. But before you can teach others…

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  • Six-Month Check-In: A Call to Creators

    Six-Month Check-In: A Call to Creators

    Hello, Creators! We’re at the midpoint of the year, it’s time for a check-in. Whether you’re a photographer, cinematographer, designer, graphic designer, podcaster, artist, painter, musician, or any other kind of creative, this is a moment to reflect on your journey, celebrate your progress, and recalibrate for the next six months. Reflect and Rejoice First,…

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  • 27 reasons why water should be free

    27 reasons why water should be free

      Basic Human Right: Access to clean water is a fundamental human right recognized by the United Nations. Essential for Life: Water is crucial for human survival, making it indispensable for all. Public Health: Free access to water ensures public health by preventing waterborne diseases. Sanitation: Free water supports hygiene and sanitation practices, reducing the…

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  • Keep the Idea of Who You Are Alive: Embracing ADHD and Authenticity

    Keep the Idea of Who You Are Alive: Embracing ADHD and Authenticity

    In a world where external opinions often collide with our self-perception, it’s crucial to keep the idea of who you are alive. This thought emerged during a self-reflection session, sparking a deeper understanding of how judgment operates. One of the significant challenges is allowing others’ opinions to conflict with our self-view. Phrases like, “I thought…

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